I can easily imagine that I'm writing for myself after this long hiatus. Yes, I got my travel trailer all ready and hit the road in January 2015.
After a short stay with my good friend (adopted Little Brother) Danny Smith and his sweet wife Bev (more later about that lovely visit), I traveled on.
Then, in Arizona, on a windy day, the trailer and I had a tussle about who was in charge. It won. Or, I should say, it lost the battle and ended up in a huge pile of splinters.
Stuff piled onto the salvage trailer. |
Structural wood in a pile! |
Not even the worst truck damage. |
When all was settled there, I journeyed on to California, spent some time with nephew Paul and his sweet wife Tereza in San Francisco. I bought an old camper to go on my poor old battered Ford pickup there, Paul and Tereza labored mightily to get me on the road again, and I came on to my hometown, Santa Maria, California. I've been ensconced in a small apartment in a senior residential complex for three years now, wondering when I'll get back to writing, to finishing up all the partially-written stories and book just waiting for attention.
I fill my time with odds and ends, try to make myself useful when friends here need a ride or help with some other doable task. There's a small garden area beside the building I live in, and I water and weed a bit while keeping a small plot of alyssum flowers in bloom in Little Mother's honor.
The feral cats on the property need feeding, and that seems to have fallen partly to me and one other woman.
And, I became the unofficial hall monitor, keeping lobby doors closed or open, as the powers-that-be order--often in opposition to unruly fellow residents who prefer fresh air to orders. (smile) Oh, and I play the piano in the main lobby several times a week, just to keep my hand in. People pass by, sometimes sit for awhile to listen and seem to enjoy the music. So far, I haven't begun the swimming pool exercise program I keep thinking about.
I will try to keep this up, for my own benefit mostly but also for anyone who still has an interest.
Beverly "SilverBee" Scofield